If you think Last Comic Standing is too exclusive these past two seasons by only inviting 100 comedians to perform for the judges and a live studio audience, then just imagine how some of those 100 comedians feel when they got left on the cutting-room floor. They looked forward to a screen credit to give to bookers as well as that lush TV cash (I’m imaging all TV cash is lush!).
Thirty-five of the Top 100 in Season 9 of Last Comic never told a joke on camera this season, as far as we saw. Even though we spied a few of them behind the scenes in group shots.
As I explained the other day, the math made it impossible for producers to showcase all 100 comedian auditions with only eight weeks to include elimination competitions, too. Once you include the 41 comedians who made it to the semis (which start next week), there simply wasn’t time to allocate to many of the other 59. And if you didn’t have a good set or just had an off night or got skewered by the judges, would you really want that to be on national TV? Probably not. Unless you could make that go viral.
So, after the five hours of “Invitationals” auditions were shown over the past four Wednesday nights on NBC, we saw 65 comedians perform in all. That meant The Comic’s Comic and friends of the site knew of 15 other comics who had stood up to proudly announce they were part of the Top 100, only to get edited out. Of course, that means another 19 comedians never told us or our friends via social media about the show at all!? That’s a bit curious, once you factor in friends, mutual friends, and friends of friends in the winding web of the Web. Did they bomb that hard? Nevertheless, them’s the facts on the ground.
Do you suppose the other 19 will reveal themselves now that they know they’re not on the show as far as viewers are concerned?
In the meantime, The Comic’s Comic wants to give a shout out to the 15 comedians who hoped to see themselves in primetime on broadcast network television this summer. So please enjoy these online clips of the following gone-from-the-show-but-not-forgotten members of Season 9’s Top 100 of Last Comic Standing.