The Top 100 comedians competing on NBC’s Last Comic Standing 2015

NBC allowed comedians to start spreading the word, one month ahead of the premiere of season 9 of Last Comic Standing, that they’re appearing and competing among the Top 100 stand-ups selected for the “Invitationals” round of auditions — taped this spring before judges Roseanne Barr, Keenen Ivory Wayans and Norm Macdonald.

Can’t you just wait to see them experience this? REMIX!

So…Who’s in? Who’s out? Who’s still hiding out?

So far, the following comedians have revealed themselves as contestants (in alphabetical order!):

UPDATED with more names of people we saw onscreen during the Invitationals

  1. Nick Allen
  2. Sara Armour
  3. Tony Baker
  4. Ian Bagg
  5. Kevin Bozeman
  6. Lonnie Bruhn
  7. Rhea Butcher
  8. Tony Camin
  9. Jessi Campbell
  10. Melanie Comarcho
  11. Ryan Conner
  12. Alycia Cooper
  13. Dan Crohn
  14. Kendra Cunningham
  15. Jan Davidson
  16. Tim Dillon
  17. Dominique
  18. Andy Erikson
  19. DC Ervin
  20. Jackie Fabulous
  21. Chris Fairbanks
  22. Ricarlo Flanagan
  23. Noah Gardenswartz
  24. Renee Gauthier
  25. Amir Gollan
  26. Harrison Greenbaum
  27. Kyle Grooms
  28. Rob Haze
  29. Andy Hendrickson
  30. Jon Huck
  31. Cody Hustak
  32. Mia Jackson
  33. Ambrose Jones III
  34. Natalie Jose
  35. Amir K
  36. Sierra Katow
  37. Bryan Kellen
  38. Mehran Khaghani
  39. K-Von
  40. Jason Lawhead
  41. Candy Lawrence
  42. Mike Lebovitz
  43. Kevin Lee
  44. Joe List
  45. Brad Loekle
  46. Kelly MacFarland
  47. Steve Macone
  48. Cyrus McQueen
  49. Amy Miller
  50. Emmett Montgomery
  51. Sam Morril
  52. Martin Morrow
  53. Sammy Obeid
  54. Michael Palascak
  55. Ms. Pat
  56. Gene Pompa
  57. Esther Povitsky
  58. Priya Prasad
  59. Crystian Ramirez
  60. Francisco Ramos
  61. Shelagh Ratner
  62. Mark Schumacher
  63. Julie Scroggins
  64. Mike Siegel
  65. Andi Smith
  66. Shakir Standley
  67. Junior Stopka
  68. Moses Storm
  69. Amy Sumpter
  70. Caleb Synan
  71. KT Tatara
  72. Drew Thomas
  73. Taylor Tomlinson
  74. Angelo Tsarouchas
  75. David Tveite
  76. LaVar Walker
  77. Sheng Wang
  78. Greg Warren
  79. Jason Weems
  80. Kasuan Wilson

As you might have guessed or counted, that’s not all 100. Who are the others? Why haven’t they jumped in to tell everyone to watch them? What are they afraid of? That they’ll spill the beans on how they did? Or are they embarrassed by how they performed? Are they just lazy comedians? Do they need new representation? Don’t answer. Just reveal yourselves.

The Top 100 comedians at “Invitationals” competed for 40 semifinal slots, with the Top 10 moving forward to new head-to-head competitions. The Top 5 perform in the Finals, with the winner taking home $250,000 and a development deal.

And you’ll be able to see the winner and other finalists on tour across America this fall! Tickets and tour dates already are on sale.

And now, some videos to whet your appetite for the eight-episode season 9 of Last Comic, premiering July 22, 2015, on NBC.

First, a time-lapse of the stage construction:

And a word from judges Norm Macdonald and Keenan Ivory Wayans on “when they knew they were funny”:

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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11 thoughts on “The Top 100 comedians competing on NBC’s Last Comic Standing 2015

  1. How interesting that every single one of those comedians has their own website with a personalized domain name. Coincidence? Probably not. Makes me suspect that the Top 100 finalists were chosen not so much for their stage skills, but for how many “followers” they have, and how many social media “likes” they can get, to create buzz for the show, and higher ratings. Old-school comedians are left in the dust; they could have the funniest set ever, but if they’re not also a computer guru, marketer, salesperson, PR spinner, and online viral sensation – then good luck!

    This quote pretty much says it all: “Why haven’t they jumped in to tell everyone to watch them? What are they afraid of? That they’ll spill the beans on how they did? Or are they embarrassed by how they performed? Are they just lazy comedians? Do they need new representation? Don’t answer. Just reveal yourselves.” = incredibly tech-biased, ignorant, and elitist. Like the thought of a comedian NOT having their own website and million “fans” on every social media channel is a completely foreign concept to Sean McCarthy. Get back to basics dude.

    1. “Old-school comedians are left in the dust; they could have the funniest set ever, but if they’re not also a computer guru, marketer, salesperson, PR spinner, and online viral sensation – then good luck!”

      Then those comedians should either hire someone to do that work for them or else get used to the fact that they’ll continue to be passed over for certain opportunities. And if you can’t afford to hire someone to do basic computer work like building a website then you’re probably in the wrong line of work because you obviously aren’t doing well enough to earn a stable income.

      Whining and moaning that times are changing isn’t going to stop them from changing. No matter what industry you work in, it’s your responsibility to keep up with the times and continually educate yourself.

      And for God’s sake, if you’re a professional comedian who doesn’t even have a website, I have zero sympathy for you. Zero. Buy a domain name for $13 and point it to a free Tumblr account. Just have SOMETHING that people can go to when they Google your name.

  2. Or maybe everyone had to sign 300 page agreements that said they cannot reveal themselves because they might be edited out, and these are the people who have been contacted.

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