If you think that replacing the Hoff with the Howie Mandel might have helped the cause for comedic acts in this season of NBC's America's Got Talent, then you would be right.
The final 48 were selected last week (and again tonight in a repeat), and this year, several acts going for the million-dollar, Vegas headlining prize, are just trying to make you laugh.
Rudi Macaggi already won a prize in the first season of America's Got Talent in the "wild and crazy" category, but this season, he seems to be focusing less on the humor and more on the acrobatics. Here's his initial audition this time around:
Chipps Cooney has been around for years. Not that you couldn't tell that. But semi-seriously, folks. Chipps featured his special blend of comedy and magic in a 1993 short film by one Louis CK called "Ice Cream." His fans also include Jim Norton, who voiced his support for Chipps on Twitter recently. Here's his initial audition on the show:
Doogie Horner had a tough time of it in his initial audition, as we were shown deliberately by the producers. Close to a half-million views on YouTube so far, though. Nice going, Doogie!
And then there's Ronith. Who. Well. Just watch this and tell me something that makes sense afterward.
Oh, wait. Did I mention Airpocalypse, the air-metal trio? Even the show thinks this is a joke. Roll the clip:
So do you think any of these comedic acts has a chance to win the big prize? Would you bet on it?