The list of credits for newcomer Sarah Roberts includes BBC Comedy Award nominee, Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year runner-up, and level 9461 on Candy Crush. Roberts will tell you all about her legendary Candy Crush status, but she also wants you to know that Paul Mescal follows her on IG.
Why? Because she’s hot and talented, that’s why. Please don’t put in the review that I’m hot and talented, the meme may go, but Roberts would be pleased as punch if you did mention that about her.
Perhaps that’s because she grew up feeling anything but hot, hearing the snark from the boys on the bus and fretting that her face was holding her back, to the point where she desperately wanted and eventually got double jaw surgery to achieve the face of her desires. Was it everything she hoped for? Not exactly what she was expecting, in hindsight, but sometimes we see only what we want to see. And after dating some duds, Roberts eventually and recently discovered she’s queer as well as pansexual. Turns out she has been seeking attention from all of us all along, and not just the straight boys.
If this adorably enjoyable debut hour is any indication, she’ll have no troubles holding audiences’ attention for years to come.
Sarah Robets “Silkworm” plays at Assembly George Square during the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe