So what?
You say Chelsea Handler herself already addressed this back in April when Radar first revealed the sex tape's existence, and offered her rebuttal? Let's listen to that again, shall we. Roll the clip.
OK. Summing up. Chelsea Handler, one of the richest stand-up comedians working in the past year, best-selling author, late-night TV host, host of this weekend's MTV Video Music Awards, thought that the best way to break into show business and her comedy career was to film herself having sex and send that to the comedy clubs, agents and managers. And this supposedly worked. It has worked so well that Handler shows off her porn skills to anyone and everyone at parties. Great job. As Louis CK would not say: Hilarious!
Female comedians everywhere must be overwhelmed with their excitement just knowing that the key to success in this business is so simple. You don't need to be funny, ladies. Just be naked. And put it on tape. Once you become famous, you can stay legitimate as a funny female comedian by posing for Playboy. That'll get you a regular seat next to Jay Leno!
Here is the safe-for-work portion of that tape, which Radar uploaded. Notice how old the footage is.
You make a very good point. It’s not a good sign. But, then again, considering her attitude about it, maybe being naked and having boobs and all of that just isn’t a big deal? Like, yeah ok, you want to see me get banged, here, big deal, now that we’ve got that over with, perhaps you’ll listen to me now? Oh, wait a second … no that’s not good either. All I know is women were born with brains and emotions, so we definitely weren’t intended for just one thing no matter how amazing our holes are.