While you, me and everyone else was watching the public memorial to Michael Jackson at Staples Center in Los Angeles, the world kept going. Or did it? Either way, time to get back to the rest of the world. And some comedy news. What have we missed?
- If you want to hear me talk about comedy blogging, then tune in to this interview I did over the weekend with The Comedy Nerds podcasting duo of Dustin and Dan. Thanks, guys!
- Jimmy Fallon got to meet President Obama and his family when he visited The White House over the weekend. You already may have seen some of his photos from the trip on Fallon's Twitter page, but he also provided longer captions for the folks at EW.com's PopWatch.
- Bruno got "Brunoed" at the Sydney premiere of his movie by a restaurant chain?! Yes. Their video includes a shot of a stunned Sacha Baron Cohen. What hath he wrought? (YouTube)
- Patton Oswalt shows his serious side as a rabid football fan who lives with his mom and calls sports/talk radio, and gets a serious comeuppance in the upcoming film, Big Fan. Watch the trailer! (YouTube)
- Brian Stelter in The New York Times sees that our attention spans can handle longer online comedy videos, and he cites several comedy channels and series for his evidence (NYT)
- Jay Leno won his NBC online name back from a cybersquatter (Reuters). And when his nightly primetime show debuts in September, he'll have a stage big enough to drive any of his vintage cars onto it for product placement glory (THR/Reuters). Now if only they could find some way to promote the show so you'd actually want to watch it. (NBC)