*** (out of 5)
Set in a hospital with dying patients and their loved ones, Until Death is a solo theatrical clown show that’s also a double-act? Nalini Sharma stars as both patient and loved one, as well as a bat flying loose in the hospital, and at one point, Marilyn Monroe. But Mike Rose also features in a recurring role as a hospital worker chasing the bat.
The show notes say Sharma wrote this show, in part, based on her own childhood experiences in the hospital and the stories she’d conjure up while bored in her hospital bed.
In real life here in Edinburgh, it’s not lost on her that her show is playing in Surgeons Hall(way).
Set in hospital with dying patients and their loved ones. And a bat? Not lost in her that this is Surgeon Hall way. Unfortunately for her, the timing and location of her show also works against her somewhat. The cocktail crowd directly outside the room takes away from the mood by drowning Sharma out, although the irony of their ambivalence (since many of them are performers with their own shows wishing not to be distracted) adds a wrinkle. I’m not entirely sold on Rose’s contributions, not that they’re bad, but more wondering if they’re entirely necessary. Nevertheless, Sharma is more than charismatic enough to hold our attention when it’s just her onstage. Only wish for a better venue, perhaps a sleeker presentation.
Until Death runs through Aug. 26 at theSpace @ Surgeons Hall