***1/2 (out of 5)
As the crowd shuffles into Pleasance Courtyard’s Beyond theatre, we’re treated to a montage of clips from this most recent 15th series of Taskmaster, which featured Ivo Graham as one of the comedian competitors. But in the minute before we’re officially starting the live show, it’s the audience’s turn to beat the clock, as the screen asks for two volunteers, one each to pick his jersey and his trousers from the rack onstage for him to wear for the following hour. Then Ivo has 30 seconds to suit up, so to speak (is there a suit on the rack, even?! does a pajama suit count?).
As the title suggests, Graham reveals he not only has a long record of embarrassing himself on televised quiz shows over the years, but also for trying to cajole friends and strangers alike into playing games. Whether it’s “Traitor” or a deck of Top Trumps cards (Note to Americans: Not those kinds of Trumps), Graham’s always attempting to organize some sort of competitive sport. And he does so on a much grander, more ambitious scale here in Edinburgh. Perhaps it’s all a response to his previous Fringe show, which even someone close to him described as “boring talking.” This is not that. And this audience already has bought into his conceit. Quite literally. Some even filled out surveys on a QR code that get repurposed for an impromptu live contest.
It’s all fun and games until Ivo’s in charge. Then it’s still fun and games, but early iterations in Edinburgh have run long. So prepare wisely if you’ve got another show booked afterward.
As a Yank, you may think I’m a wanker for only giving Graham 3.5 stars. If you’re a Brit, I’m sure you can round him up to 4.
Ivo Graham: Organised Fun runs through Aug. 27 at Pleasance Courtyard, Beyond