*** (out of 5)
The downsides for women in comedy or math or engineering or tech are sadly too many. The upside? If you fall within the Venn diagram of those industries, you’ve found the sweet spot for comedy. Somehow, there’s not yet such a Venn diagram in Ginny Hogan’s Fringe presentation, but she does have plenty of graphs to share which chart her linear regressions. Hogan may not always solve for X, but from AA to ZZZ she does recognize the problems in her own life which she needs to stop from, well, further regression.
Her jokes are quite solid, but perhaps work better on paper (or chart), as her history of gaining followers via social media and columns for clickbait sites might attest. For the stage, however, Hogan will need to tweak a couple of variables before she’ll find a much more successful formula for this show. She so far has found clever ways to comment upon the early hour, and her need to compete with the hum of the A/C. But she also could benefit from adding additional comments at the front and back ends of her show (a proper introduction, some comments and/or exit music at the end). Small changes add up!
Ginny Hogan: Regression runs through Aug. 27 at Gilded Balloon Teviot Lounge