As part of Conan O’Brien’s 25th anniversary hosting late-night television, his Team Coco previously announced it had secured the comprehensive archives to O’Brien’s past work on NBC and saved it for our future digital viewing.
Of course, one of the quirks/downsides of the digital age has seen TV networks wipe out or otherwise delete the YouTube channels and online archives for shows once they leave the broadcast programming schedule. So for years, trying to hunt down an old Late Night clip (or any old late-night TV clip, for that matter) has proved frustrating and futile.
As of Monday, though, Conan fans will be able to once again see their favorite “remote” segments online, pieces pre-recorded that took O’Brien out of the studio for interviews and sketches. “Fans are always asking me how they can watch the ‘old stuff,’ now I finally have an answer that is legal,” O’Brien said.
The Remotes will feature over 350 field pieces from Late Night and CONAN, and while the bulk will feature Conan himself, they also include fan-favorites Andy Richter and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
The collection will also include many of Conan’s most popular travel segments, including remotes from his popular travel series Conan Without Borders as well as earlier trips abroad from his Late Night days to Ireland, Finland and Canada.
Other old comedy sketches will show up online at TeamCoco later this year.