In case you didn’t stay up past your bedtime and the end of Saturday Night Live for the half-hour “concert” by Arcade Fire, then you missed out on a mini-movie directed by Roman Coppola and featuring several comedians that may have left you with the thought that “Here Comes The Night Time” was actually a JASH YouTube Video.
And yet, here it is on YouTube under The Creators Project.
We’re led to believe it was filmed in Montreal. James Franco is yelling into a phone with a non-Francophone accent. Coincidental wordplay alert!
Ben Stiller and Bono are wearing giant paper-mache heads. Michael Cera is ranting in Spanish about how Arcade Fire is small bananas. While Aziz Ansari and Eric Wareheim are eating a giant stack of bananas. And Bill Hader and Zach Galifianakis are beamed in from space so the singer from Arcade Fire can heckle them. Or something like that.
And then there are a couple of false endings before it just…
The whole clip is here, commercial-free. Unless you get a commercial at the start of the clip. It’s up to you.
Roll it.