Comedy Central Presents: Chelsea Peretti

If you missed the debut of Chelsea Peretti's first half-hour Comedy Central Presents, which aired over the weekend, then you can relive it through recaps.

Peretti opened by acknowledging her "weird actractiveness level" with the audience, as they're apt to be judging her on her looks before she gets them with the jokes.

Want to learn about Chelsea Peretti's attitude toward sex? Well, you're in luck! You get to hear a lot about that in this half-hour. Here she is acting out her feelings toward talking during sex, as well as how some men describe women as "screamers" or "a wildcat" in bed:

Peretti also showed off a recording of some dirty talk.

She acknowledges that she has terrible taste in men, preferring dumb guys, and she'll keep looking for the right one that she can joke about with in bed. Also, she's dated three white rappers??? Who am I to judge? I haven’t dated any rappers.

Related: A few years ago, Chelsea Peretti starred in a webseries called "All My Exes." Start with Episode 1 of All My Exes if you need a refresher!

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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