Remember all the way back to a few nights ago, when TNT's Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley baited Tracy Morgan on live TV into a who'd-you-rather game between Tina Fey (Morgan's boss on 30 Rock) and Sarah Palin?
The game backfired on them when Morgan joked that Palin made for "great masturbation material," and TNT later apologized to its advertiser and any viewers of NBA basketball who may have been offended.
Well, Sarah Palin was on live TV last week, too, and told FOX News that President Obama's State of the Union speech had plenty of "WTF moments," and FOX News didn't have to apologize for that.
So on Sunday, E! invited Morgan on up the stairs of their red carpet perch to show that Giuliana Rancic has no idea what's going on, either in Morgan's life, inside his head, or in the headlines. She seemed totally off-guard when, just before leaving, Morgan leaned into the microphone and shouted that Sarah Palin was "the hottest MILF in the world!" Of course, that's Tracy being Tracy. And E! being E!, they not only put the clip online themselves, but even teased the MILF line in the description of its YouTube clip. E! Television: No apologies. Just try to keep up with the Kardashians and other bimbos.
Roll it.