In which I agree with Keith Olbermann’s first impressions of Onion SportsDome on Comedy Central

The Onion's first TV series, Onion SportsDome, debuted last night on Comedy Central. As it aired in the Eastern/Central time zones, immediate reaction was divided between lovers and haters.

My immediate reaction was a lot like Keith Olbermann's, except for the fact that the MSNBC prime-time commentator used to be one of the main anchors for ESPN's SportsCenter when that show became the thing that SportsDome is now lampooning. Roll it like a ReTweet.

Noticeably, the segment advocating the killing of athletes, sports agents and others wasn't available online.

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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