More than a few people have wondered when the performance space next to Two Boots Pizza on Avenue A in the East Village would open for business as the Upright Citizens Brigade's UCB East (or UC Beast, as Ian Roberts jokingly suggested at the start of this summer's Del Close Marathon).
Well, now we seem to have a date more certain. Students in the upcoming sold-out Improv 401 Harold workshop are told they'll have a student performance at the UCB East at 153 E. 3rd St., on Feb. 5, 2011, followed by another on March 12, 2011. Students in an upcoming Improv 301 class also will get to test out the space on March 12.
UPDATED! Correction/clarification: Anthony King, the UCB-NY's artistic director, emailed The Comic's Comic with regrettable news. "The person who lists the classes on our site mistakenly listed them at the new space," King said. No word on when UCBEast will officially actually open for business. I'll be sure to let you all know when the place isn't merely a dream, but in fact a reality.