The Upright Citizens Brigade welcomes applications for 2010 Del Close Marathon (July 30-Aug. 1)

Dcm12_tiger_med Do you have an improv group and/or show that you'd like to share with the improv-loving comedy community? Why not share it at the one place where the biggest fans and performers of the genre will be congregated? Why, yes, I speak of the Del Close Marathon.

The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre has announced the 2010 dates for DCM 12: July 30 through Aug. 1.

Here are some words from the UCB welcoming your participation therein:

If you'd like to submit your group to be a part of the DCM, please see our submission guidelines and complete an application at

Also – again this year we're looking for out-of-town groups to submit late-night shows. If you have a great idea for a late-night improv show you want to do – submit it and make a note in the submission that you're submitting it for a late-night slot! And remember – if you'd like your show to be considered for a primetime slot, and we do not already know you or your show, you should send us a DVD or videotape of the show. The deadline for submission is May 3.

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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