The UCB Theatre in New York City has a tradition of offering great stand-up comedy showcases for free late-night Mondays. For a while, Aziz Ansari hosted the showcase under the name Crash Test. Then Ansari got all Human Giant, and the showcases took a break. Leo Allen has taken over hosting duties in the 11 p.m. Monday timeslot, now known as Whiplash. This week, audiences got treated to Allen, Sean Patton, Eugene Mirman, Janeane Garofalo, John Mulaney and Hannibal Buress. For free! (Well, there is the "Bucket of Truth" to accept your comedy donations afterward, but still…) So imagine my surprise this week to see the house only half full?! You’re missing out, people!
Janeane Garofalo, pictured here resting her bad back. "Mama’s got a bum stem!" she told the crowd. Photo by Mindy Tucker. More photos at With Reservation.