When I heard that Dave Chappelle was taping another episode of Bravo’s Inside the Actors Studio earlier this year, I wondered why, because Chappelle seemingly had covered everything you’d want to know and ask of him already on the program. Turns out Chappelle isn’t the guest, but rather the special guest host for the 200th episode, which airs Monday. Chappelle will be hilarious; James Lipton will be creepy — SPOILER ALERT! And there shall be words:
I just finished watching this episode and am ready to give up on Chappelle. His once salient edge, charm and wit have been replaced by a grating pretentiousness. The episode lent credence to the tired complaint that actors are merely vacuous, self-absorbed narcissists whose function should be to only entertain (dance for us!). Chappelle is clearly contemptuous of the fans who vaulted him to his current status and believes he is somehow defying ‘the system’ by palling around with James Lipton, who has fully embraced the media’s caricature of a pompous, cloying windbag.
Dear Matt,
WTF?! Cloying windbag? You sound like a self-absorbed envious idiot who needs to chill out and enjoy two great men in media conversing. Did someone put a gun to your head and make you watch this?
James Lipton… pompous? Really, Matt? You’re the one who sounds pretentious.
Dear Matt,
WTF?! Cloying windbag? You sound like a self-absorbed envious idiot who needs to chill out and enjoy two great men in media conversing. Did someone put a gun to your head and make you watch this?
James Lipton… pompous? Really, Matt? You’re the one who sounds pretentious.
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Dave chappelle is the best comedian of all times , he always make me smile and he is so original he make comedy from every where from godzilla , he make a festival of player haters , this was the best of all .
Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again – taking you feeds also, Thanks.