My friends at The Apiary provide a clever defense today of Carlos Mencia (really? really) by whipping out this handy "Universal Comedy Flowchart" and suggesting that instead of stealing jokes (wink-a-wink-a), Mencia merely is raking his mind over the handy dandy chart that unlocks the secrets of comedy. The chart comes from none other than Doogie Horner, and before you say Doogie Who?, he’s a comedian and graphic designer from Philadelphia, and here is his original contribution earlier this month to the grand Comic Vs. Audience blog. Horner also drew up a chart of things people say during sex, which not only comes in handy when you’re having sex and at a loss for words, but also if that topic comes up when you’re playing The $25,000 Pyramid.
But take a good look at this chart. Don’t mind the typos, but look to see if you agree with the chart itself. Is there anything missing? Ventriloquists get overlooked. Drugs are way off in the corner, which seems to underplay their use by stand-up comedians. Also how stand-ups talk about drugs. Hey-o. The inclusion of Dom DeLuise under impersonations/impressions is an amusing, odd touch. How would you change this chart?
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