Derek Mitchell: “Double Dutch” at Edinburgh Fringe 2024


Derek Mitchell appeared in an episode of the third season of Ted Lasso, but you more likely have seen Mitchell online through his series of TikTok videos poking fun at the views and lifestyles of the Dutch.

Mitchell’s Fringe debut comes complete with two separate shows, but that’s not why his stand-up hour is called Double Dutch (his other show: a character piece, Goblin, is taking place in a yurt!). Rather, his play on words reflects his status trying not to get tangled up in the ropes of existing as a double immigrant, an American who came to England to study at university, and now lives with a Dutch husband. There are people-pleasers, and then there’s Mitchell, who just wants to make everyone feel more comfortable. And that’s even before getting into their gender identity, which they describe best as someone to whom middle-aged ladies want to divulge all of their secrets, whilst also sleeping with middle-aged men, who may also be husbands to said middle-aged ladies. They’re very easy to get along and gab with, to be fair. Mitchell, I mean. Middle-aged men? Not so much.

The harder truth for Mitchell to swallow, in character or not, is the realization that they no longer fit in where they came from as time passes on, and that they may never truly fit in where they are despite living with white privilege — tacitly acknowledging the current wave of racist violence across England — though they quickly add they expect to see nothing of the sort at Fringe.

Thankfully it’s a lot friendlier within the toasty confines of the Baby Grand shipping container, where Mitchell can cite Baby Reindeer as an easier topic for small talk these days than addressing either immigration or gender politics, and where they can identify as a “recovering Harry Potter fan.” Aren’t we all.

Derek Mitchell “Double Dutch” plays at Pleasance Courtyard during the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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