Caroline’s Comedy Hour, which originally aired on A&E from 1989-1996, is coming back on the air.
Carolines on Broadway owner Caroline Hirsch and Sox Entertainment have licensed the 100 old episodes which aired on cable, with plans to film new episodes this November alongside Hirsch’s annual New York Comedy Festival.
“The appetite for live comedy has never been stronger coming out of Covid,” Hirsch said. “As one of the country’s top comedy brands and the leading destination for comedy seekers journeying to New York, I felt the time is right during our 40th anniversary celebration to bring back these incredible acts for new generations to enjoy, while also putting the spotlight on today’s rising talent with new original episodes.”
Carol Leifer, Colin Quinn and Richard Jeni served as hosts during the showcase’s first iteration on cable, which served as a jumping-off point for many young stand-ups coming of age in the 1990s.