The Ed Sullivan Show, the longest running primetime variety show in television history, gets a new life this Christmas Day on SiriusXM.
“The 12 Days of Ed Sullivan,” featuring rare performances from dozens of the best stand-up comedians of the time, will air daily on SiriusXM Comedy Greats, channel 94, starting tonight.
Throughout the special, SiriusXM will air performances and stand-up sets from the show’s archives, including rare material from George Carlin, Joan Rivers, Flip Wilson, Jack Benny, Phyllis Diller, Jerry Lewis, Jerry Stiller & Anne Meara, Albert Brooks, Alan King, Rodney Dangerfield and many more, in a tribute to one of the most influential shows in the landscape of comedy. Comedian Shecky Greene, a frequent Sullivan guest, will introduce each broadcast, as well as sit down for an extended interview about the show’s lasting impact on American culture. The interview will air on Christmas day following the stand-up performances.
“The 12 Days of Ed Sullivan” will launch on SiriusXM Comedy Greats via satellite on channel 94, every day from Christmas through Saturday, Jan. 5, 2019, at 7 and 10 p.m. ET, and will be accessible through the SiriusXM app on smartphones and other connected devices, as well as online at