Look, I know that’s a photo from 2016’s Schtick or Treat, but on the bright side, as the new curator of Comedy Listings for the Weekend Arts section of The New York Times, I got that in the newspaper, so let’s all celebrate!
As for Schtick or Treat 2018, it took place Monday night at the Knitting Factory in Williamsburg Brooklyn, and now that it’s officially Halloween, some of the videos have begun making their way online.
Including some of the most talked-about costumed impersonations of comedians by comedians…
Such as Erin Maguire as Emo Philips, who got a compliment from Emo himself after he saw her do one of his most famous jokes.
Aside from my excitement at the obvious franchising opportunity, I am through-the-roof flattered. https://t.co/Cv5Zl1TaXu
— Emo Philips (@EmoPhilips) October 31, 2018
Chrissie Mayr was pretty spot-on with her Michelle Wolf…
Ben Fisher as Jimmy Fallon benefitted even more from the faraway camera softening…
Kelsey Caine, who mocked Louis CK’s Louie intro, repeated the gag live onstage with her dildo out in full force.
Carmen Lynch brought Andy Pitz in with her to help make her Mr. Bean shine even more.
And there were mashups, too.
Woke Andrew Dice Clay, by Michael Salgarolo:
And here’s Jeremy Kaplowitz as Demetri Martin Shkreli: