You could spend $90 for an online MasterClass in comedy from Steve Martin, sure.
But what if you’re looking for inspiration from someone more contemporary in stand-up comedy circles, someone who can guide you through the rough and tumble world of the road in 2018? You’re probably going to seek out a guy like Bill Burr. If you cannot find or afford Burr, and if you cannot imagine Burr ever saying yes to teaching you about comedy, because you know better, then Tyler Fischer is here for you.
With the growing success of the annual Halloween Schtick or Treat comedy shows on both coasts (and in between NYC and LA, too), I’m surprised more comedians haven’t turned their one-off impersonations into a bigger, bolder showcase.
Fischer does just that, hitting all the high notes, in this great three-minute trailer for the Bill Burr MasterClass.
Roll the clip!