Enough people have compared the state of our 2016 presidential campaign with the 2006 film Idiocracy that its filmmakers decided to write some new copy for future “President Camacho,” but all of your advance spin on it scared off both the actor who’d star in the videos and the studio that owns the rights to it all.
Good job, Internet.
Good job, media.
The Daily Beast reported over the weekend that its interview with Idiocracy writer/director Mike Judge — ostensibly to promote Judge’s current Emmy-nominated project, the HBO series Silicon Valley — included some juicy news about his new ads he and fellow screenwriter Etan Cohen had written for Terry Crews to reprise his character from the movie.
The Daily Beast headline doesn’t tell the whole story. As Judge’s own quotes to the publication reveal:
“It kind of fell apart. It was announced that they were anti-Trump, and I would’ve preferred to make them and then have the people decide. Terry Crews had wanted to just make some funny Camacho ads, and Etan and I had written a few that I thought were pretty funny, and it just fell apart. I wanted to put them out a little more quietly and let them go viral, rather than people announcing we’re making anti-Trump ads. Just let them be funny first. Doing something satirical like that is better if you just don’t say, ‘Here we come with the anti-Trump ads!’ Also, when Terry heard that announcement he wasn’t happy about it. I think also Fox… yeah, they… even though they’ve probably forgotten they still own it…”
The Daily Beast then pointed out that Idiocracy, made and distributed by 20th Century Fox, is owned by News Corp., whose CEO is Rupert Murdoch, who controls FOX News.
To which Judge replied: “Yeah. That’s the other thing. I think there was a roadblock there, too. I just heard that they were put on the shelf, so it looks like they’re not going to happen.”
Buzzfeed put “anti-Trump ads” in its June headline talking to Cohen about revisiting Idiocracy. Although Cohen never tells Buzzfeed he and Judge were making “anti-Trump ads” with Crews, he did compare Trump with their fictional creation of Camacho for Crews, saying: “The most dangerous contrast to Trump is that Camacho actually realizes he needs advice from other people, and knows that he’s not the smartest guy in the room.”
So if we’re not getting new Idiocracy videos during this campaign season, at least we still have this new remix…
To keep us company. Or you can just watch Idiocracy and start thinking about how we can prevent that from happening for real.