Gad Elmaleh’s first all-in-English comedy show, “Oh My Gad,” continues its New York City residency this spring at Joe’s Pub (with another show tonight, in fact).
But Elmaleh, a Moroccan French comedian/actor and the most popular stand-up in France, has made it his goal to break through with English-speaking American audiences.
And so, this summer, he moves up and out of the clubs like Joe’s Pub to play theaters across North America; first, opening for Jerry Seinfeld at the Beacon Theater on June 8 in NYC; then with headlining dates of his own. Tickets go on sale Friday.
- Aug. 31, 2016: Somverville, Mass. (Somerville Theater)
- Sept. 1: Washington, DC (Lincoln Theater)
- Sept. 3: Toronto (Danforth Music Hall)
- Sept. 4: Chicago (Thalia Hall)
- Sept. 6: Vancouver, BC (Vogue)
- Sept. 7: Seattle (Benaroya Hall)
- Sept. 9: Los Angeles (The Theatre at Ace Hotel)
- Sept. 10: Oakland, Calif. (Fox Theater)