ABC’s The View dedicated its Tuesday program to “A Day of Comedy.” Take that, Hot Topics! Everybody else take the day off. For an hour, at least, we’re going to sit back in the late morning hour and enjoy some stand-up comedy. Each of The View‘s co-hosts picked a favorite comedian to share with the live studio audience and with us, wherever we may be.
But first, Whoopi Goldberg asked guest co-host Judy Gold about the worst things a comedian can do. Gold’s answers boiled down to 1) going over your time limit, and 2) stealing someone else’s material. We also learned that Barbara Walters likes Whoopi because “you’re a comic actress.” Yeah, heck with the jokes! All jokes aside…
Whoopi picked George Wallace to tell jokes. Jenny McCarthy picked Tammy Pescatelli. Shepherd picked Carlos Oscar. And Gold picked Karen Bergreen.
Until ABC decides to let us embed The View‘s videos here, go to there to watch them.