Jimmy Fallon’s second show as host of The Tonight Show welcomed Jerry Seinfeld as the first stand-up comedian to perform on it.
Seinfeld continues to play it old-school, preferring to do a five-minute stand-up set first before heading over to the couches for a panel interview with the late-night TV host. Here, the deal is all about cell phones, and how they’re controlling us — that “hard rectangle in your pocket.” Because it’s always so important to stay connected to your technology, even if you’re supposed to be connected to the real world happening around you. Funny to see Seinfeld drop a curse word — spoiler alert: it gets BLEEPED! — as he discusses our very easy decision to prefer texting over talking on our phones. Seinfeld also is not a fan of using the word “mail” in e-mail, because it might make you remember the U.S. Postal Service. With a Seinfeld impersonation of “Seinfeld” as an exasperated Postmaster General, to boot!
Roll the clip!
Seinfeld then talked with Fallon about how performing for him now in 2014 is generations and worlds away from his debut on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in the 1980s. As well as how Fallon is in “a Pope job” as a late-night TV host. Late-night for life! Can he do it? Seinfeld thinks so. “You’re going to do great at this.”