If you’re looking for a healthy, lengthy debate about how comedy and feminism don’t have to be mutually exclusive concepts that tear at each other with straw-man arguments, then, well…
Here’s a five-minute discussion, moderated by W. Kamau Bell on his FX late-night program, Totally Biased, from last night featuring comedian Jim Norton (SiriusXM’s Opie & Anthony) and blogger Lindy West (Jezebel.com). It’s reduced to shorthand, because it’s only five minutes. So let me reduce it even further: Hack is hack, so stop hacking women to pieces from the stage, or off the stage.
Bell says the whole debate will be available to view online. When it is, it’ll be posted here, too. And here it is, all 16-minutes-plus…roll it!
This is the edited conversation that appeared on the original broadcast last night:
I doubt she really cares about bad comedy.