Mark Normand has TV credits to his name, but last night was his “dream come true” as he said at the end of performing his official late-night debut on Conan.
Interesting intro: Having Conan O’Brien tell the audience you’re hungover. The intro, of course, is all just a set up for Normand’s opening bit. Even more interesting in-set move: You don’t see many stand-up comedians confident enough to incorporate even the most basic crowd work into a late-night TV set. Mark Normand did. “Any Jewish girls here?” Woo! “Wow. Shalom!” He also lets you men know what to do if a gay guy hits on you, as well as a shout-out for Puerto Rican girls. Also, more about race. Not to worry. As Normand says, living in New York City: “If I was racist, I’d be exhausted.”
And then the kid wrings even more laughs at the end when Conan walks over for the traditional congratulatory handshake. Power move, Normand, FTW.
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