Both of New York City’s major outlets for sketch and improv comedy announced new house teams for the 2012 calendar year.
Nate Dern, the Upright Citizen Brigade Theater’s New York artistic director, said he received more than 400 audition submissions from actors and 160 writing packets for the UCB’s weekly Maude sketch teams. “I was impressed by the depth of talent we have in this community,” Dern said on one of the UCB Tumblr pages. “I encourage everyone to keep working hard on their craft and to keep putting good quality work out into the world.”
The new UCB-NY Maude lineups — who write, produce and star in a new sketch show monthly on Mondays — for 2012 are as follows:
WRITERS: Kerry McGuire, Jason Flowers, Sarah Bennett, Dan McInerney, Andrew Law, Alison Rich
ACTORS: Andrew Law, Alison Rich, Leslie Meisel, Rob Cuthill, Zhubin Parang, Kat Toledo, Carl Foreman Jr.Fambly
WRITERS: Madalyn Baldanzi, Sarah Bennett, David Bernstein, Colin Elzie, Patrick O’Brien, Kathy Salerno, Jason Shebiro, Ben Wietmarschen
ACTORS: Dan Black, Zach Broussard, Nicole Byer, Dan Chamberlain, Mamrie Hart, Veronica Osorio
WRITERS: Jesse Acini, Damian Chadwick, Alex Kane, Rachael Mason, Rory Panagotopulos, Eli Terry
ACTORS: Eddie Dunn, Don Fanelli, Laura Grey, Morgan Jarret, Rory Panagotopulos, Noah Plener
Neighbor Boy
WRITERS: Beth Appel, Caitlin Bitzegaio, Geoff Garlock, Matt Moskovciak, Erik Tanouye, Melinda Taub
ACTORS: Joanna Bradley, Tim Dunn, Kate Hess, Davram Stiefler, Shannon Taing, Rob Webber
WRITERS: Emily Altman, Benjamin Apple, Eric Cunningham, Frank Hejl, Jason Saenz, Mike Scollins
ACTORS: Lauren Adams, Jocelyn Deboer, Frank Hejl, Rob Hugel, Dawn Luebbe, Ben Rameaka
SPACKLER (new team, title may change)
WRITERS: Claire Downs, Dru Johnston, Matt Pavlovich, Nathan Min, Ben Stadler, Brett White
ACTORS: Michael Antonucci, Aaron Jackson, Dru Johnston, Violet Krumbein, Cody Lindquist, Cathryn Mudon
ST. CLAIR (new team, title may change)
WRITERS: Ari Scott, Stephanie Bencin, David Bernstein, Achilles Stamatelaky, Matt Starr, Sasheer Zamata
ACTORS: Sasheer Zamata, Amber Nelson, Justin Brown, Stephen Soroka, John Milhiser, Siobhan Thompson
ZISSOU (new team, title may change)
WRITERS: James McCarthy, Jess Dweck, Jon Bershad, Kristy Lopez-Bernal, Sarah Rainone, Zach Phillips
ACTORS: Avery Monsen, Dan Hodapp, Jonathan Marballi, Kelly Hudson, Langan Kingsley, Lisa Kleinman.
The PIT, meanwhile, also announced a new set of house teams on Tuesday. In fact, the PIT announced a completely new theme night, as its “Musical Improv House Teams” will take the stage every Thursday starting in the new year.
They’ll include:
Team Red – 7 PM
Rich Hollman, Tom Lisi, Stephanie Griffith, Julie Katz, Jeff Scherer, Ruby Marez, Ross Taylor
Team Black – 7:30 PM
Geoff Grimwood, Jessica Morgan, Zoe Farmingdale, Jen Sanders, Bradford Jordan, Roman Pietrs, Michael Lutton
Team Green – 8 PM
Laura Dlug, Ryan Dunkin, Dan Hodapp, Rebecca Vigil, Jason Scott Quinn, Chris O’Brien, Haldane McFall
Team Blue – 8:30 PM
Jon Bander, Alan Starzinski, Michael Murnane, Amy Albert, Andrew Cornelius, Megan Maes, Paul Logston
In addition, The PIT will launch a separate weekend musical team on Friday nights starting in February. That team will include Marshal York, Lorraine Cink, Ashley Ward, Chris Grace, Oscar Montoya, Jamie Cummings, Greg Portz, Leslie Collins, Lauren Adams and Lucas Kavner.
Congrats to everyone who landed a spot on a house team!