British comedian Bill Bailey is starting a brief North American tour of his one-man show, “Dandelion Mind,” and The Comic’s Comic has a few pairs of free tickets if you’d like to see him perform it in New York City over the next couple of nights!
Please let me know in the comments section if you’d like to see him, and how it is you’ve come to already know and enjoy Bill Bailey, and then I’ll let you know if you won. Easy peasy!
His tour officially begins here tonight and runs through Sept. 17 at NYU’s Skirball Center, before continuing with one-night stops in Chicago, Toronto and Boston.
Bailey chatted up Craig Ferguson last week, and here’s the clip.
UPDATED: I think I’m out of tickets, but if I get any more for his NYC run or shows elsewhere, I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks!
I’d love to see Bill live; I became aware of him (and after exploring, hooked) the way many Americans did I’m sure: “Nobody tells me nothin'” in Hot Fuzz.
Ding ding ding! Winner, winner, you get to see Bill Bailey after dinner. Or before dinner. Look, I don’t know when you eat, so long as you do eat something at regular intervals, then you’ll be a winner that way, too. Do you have a preference on tonight vs. tomorrow?
Tomorrow? Tomorrow!
I want to go! I love Bill Bailey on Nevermind the Buzzcocks. So obscure, I know!
i’ve definitely seen him somewhere before – can’t remember where – but would LOVE to see him live!
I’d love to go! I just got the email from NYU and watched five or six clips on youtube and am his newest huge fan. Could not stop laughing. Just endured a breakup –ugh–and am hungry for laughter. Thank you comics comic.
I stumbled across Bill Bailey while watching old episodes of QI
clandestinely on the internet. He’s quite good at acting debonair and
mimicking aristocratic pipe smoking as he chides Stephen Fry. I’m
sure he would be equally amusing when viewed in the fullest good
graces of the law.
He was just at Hot Tub this past Monday…