I know the Internet has circulated a video montage of “Uncle Frank” Potenza which aired Tuesday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, on Kimmel’s first night back on the air since his uncle died at the age of 77.
But Kimmel devoted the entire episode to Uncle Frank. Potenza’s favorite comedian, Don Rickles — who used to perform with Frank Sinatra when Potenza served as his security guard at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas — shared stories with the audience. Kimmel’s band performed one of Potenza’s favorite Sinatra tunes.
You really should see the full 20-minute opening of the show, though. Kimmel almost breaks into tears immediately into his monologue, which includes many amusing tales about Uncle Frank. If you really want to know the man, and how he impacted Kimmel, his family, and the entire ABC crew, then you should watch this.
Roll it.
Here are the clips with Don Rickles, more tributes and shared stories about Uncle Frank.