Did you enjoy the Super Bowl commercials? Did you, really? Did you Laugh Out Loud and Roll On The Floor Laughing? Not nearly as much as JR Burningham of Burbank, Calif., a 31-year-old web designer and former USC film school student, who spent $500 and borrowed his neighbor's pug to film and submit a commercial to Doritos "Crash The Super Bowl" contest, and earned a cool ranch $1 million by coming out tops in USA Today's Ad Meter poll.
"This commercial was a last-ditch attempt to make things happen," he told USA Today. "It's just a very difficult industry…We only had $500 to spend, so we had to come up with something that would be affordable and funny," he says. "We (he and his girlfriend) thought about what makes us laugh, and the first thing that came to mind was my friend's pug."
Companies paid $3 million to air 30-second spots during last night's Super Bowl XLV.
This is your winner:
Related: See how all of the 2011 Super Bowl ads ranked in the Ad Meter.
Second opinion: Hulu's AdZone had VW's Darth Vader ad as the top spot.
Furthermore: Remember back in 2009 when Pete Holmes, Matt McCarthy and Oren Brimer were finalists for their Doritos Super Bowl ad? Holmes has since gotten his voice in the past two Super Bowls during ad blocks as the voice of the E*Trade baby.
The only Super Bowl commercials I remember were for Bud Light, Doritos , and the Chrysler Eminem Detroit thing..it was amazing