Jay Leno said Monday night that Dan Ahdoot was making his first appearance on The Tonight Show, which is true, but also, more than a year ago, Ahdoot appeared on The Jay Leno Show. So it's not as if they were strangers. Plus, fun fact: Last time I was in Los Angeles, Ahdoot introduced me to Ross Mark and Bob Read, the bookers for Leno!
Entirely coincidental circumstantial evidence. I know.
OK, roll the clip.
The First bit seems earily similar to Louis CK’s bit on customer service, and someone from India picks up the phone he immediately hangs up, since they have no way to relate to us Americans, because they have it way worse than us. This joke is alright i suppose because its seems like an extension of Louis’, not as good though.
The second bit is basically flat out stolen from Russel Peters. In his Stand up special Red, White, and Brown he has a whole segment on how sign language is the most racist language. He goes on to describe the Jew sign and many more.
Well hopefully you guys take notice of this stuff before posting a thief’s stolen material.