Gallery1988 in Los Angeles, with help from Funny or Die and 100 artists, will kick off 2011 with a massive display of love for comedy and comedians in the exhibition, "Is This Thing On?"
It opens with a nighttime reception on Jan. 7, 2011, and will welcome visitors through Jan. 29.
Thanks to Funny or Die, we already can preview some of the paintings and artwork through the magic of digital computing!
Here, for example, is Bill Murray in character from Caddyshack as the golf course groundskeeper who dreamed big and talked a big game:
And here's Human Giant on paint, with Paul Scheer rocking the school photo pose up in the corner, Rob Huebel off to the left, and what's this? Aziz Ansari forgot to wear his shirt! Interesting interpretation of his body hair situation.
Funny or Die previously also provided us with sneak peeks at dramatic takes on Louis CK, Greg Giraldo, Steve Martin's The Jerk and Ron Burgundy from Anchorman. Check 'em all out after the jump…
Louis CK turned zombie?
The late Greg Giraldo achieving comedy sainthood.
An opening scene from Steve Martin's classic comedy film, The Jerk:
And have you seen Ron Burgundy as acrylic on wood?