The comedy management team of MacDonald-Murray experienced its own Mad Men plotline this summer, and it didn't involve booze. Not exactly.
While the fictional Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce was facing a crisis over the loss of its biggest client, Lucky Strike, the very real MacDonald-Murray saw its biggest client, the glass-of-Scotch-holding Ron White, break from the firm this summer to join Michael Blakey and launch Yellow River Management. Without White's bookings and sales, the M-M team ultimately didn't hold.
Alex Murray joined Brillstein Entertainment Partners earlier this month, and brought his bigger clients with him, including Jim Gaffigan, Chris Hardwick, Todd Glass and The Dan Band.
John MacDonald, who had produced and/or executive produced Ron White's CDs and DVDs, is now running MacDonald Entertainment, with a client list that includes Roy Wood Jr., Chad Daniels, Drew Hastings, Josh Sneed, April Macie and Pat Dixon.
MacDonald-Murray had formed in 2005 when both partners left Parallel Management Co.