All this week, seven newspaper sites have been offering a trial run of online animated videos called "Beyond The Comics," created by former Saturday Night Live head writer Fred Wolf and starring the voices of several former SNLers, including David Spade, Jack Handey, Tim Meadows, Sarah Silverman, Dana Carvey, Colin Quinn, Norm MacDonald, Kevin Nealon and Molly Shannon. Craig Kilborn also does a spot.
Today's features includes a new "Church Lady" bit by Dana Carvey.
Participating newspaper sites are the San Francisco Chronicle, Monterey Herald,, Idaho Statesman, Tri-City Herald, Houston Chronicle and Miami Herald.
Wolf, who lives in Carmel, Calif., told the Monterey Herald that he dreamed as a child of drawing his own newspaper comic strips. "I thought, 'Well, I got access to these comics, but what can I do with these voices,'" he said. "I've always wanted to draw comics for the newspaper when I was kid. That's what I thought I was going to do when I grew up. Then I realized, I draw like crap. And that's the truth."
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