The High Road is an amusing documentary on cable channel/network G4 that follows Doug Benson and his opening act, Graham Elwood, from Los Angeles to Boise and Spokane for road comedy gigs. You also see him walking out of a Star Trek screening in Boise to call in to Comedy Death-Ray Radio. So dedicated! It's like a spin-off of The Comedians of Comedy documentary, but just following Doug Benson and Elwood. It debuted as an hour special Monday night on G4, but airs again overnight tonight at 1 a.m. and 4 a.m., high noon Wednesday and through the weekend. Here's a clip!
Even if it doesn't become more than just this hour, it'll probably get you wanting to hear more of Doug Benson's prepared and improvised remarks on pop culture and life in general. Which, for you, means you're in luck, because in 2009, Benson recorded a CD (on 4/20, obvs) and then released this fun diversion of an hourlong stand-up CD, "Unbalanced Load." He worked hard and long on his segues for you people! "I don't have a segue into the segues thing…" he notes. Although I should note that no matter how well known Benson is for being a proponent of marijuana, his track on "Segues" alone should prove that he also is proficient at joke-writing and joke-telling. If you blink your ears, you may miss his Mark Wahlberg impersonation. Do not miss. Merely because it sounds like one of those weird moments in a set that's entirely unplanned, even if it wasn't. I'm no stoner, but I have to say this is one of my favorite listens of the year. Just randomly silly, and yet not random at all. You'll hear why Benson was a chosen one to comment on shows such as VH1's Best Week Ever. He even gives you a valuable sales pitch on why you should be on Twitter and follow @dougbenson there.
Want to buy Doug Benson's Unbalanced Load?
You'll also get to hear Benson plug his popular podcast, I Love Movies, which as he tells you, is free on iTunes. Check it out!