
I Eat Pandas writes a musical?!

It's no secret that anytime Glennis McMurray and Eliza Skinner get together onstage and ask for an audience suggestion, they give birth to wonderfully improvised I Eat Pandas musicals, usually with the accompaniment of pianist Frank Spitznagel. You can see this for yourself fairly regularly in New York City (next up: Jan. 7 and Jan. 21 at the UCB). Well, today, I Eat Pandas announced they're going to go and actually write their own musical. It's true. I think. Anyhow. Here is the first pitch from McMurray…it's a pooptacular pooptacular! So, slightly NSFW, then. Enjoy!

Featuring cameos by Matt McCarthy and Becky Yamamoto.

UPDATED: Eliza responds with a pitch of her own. My goodness, is it OK for me to tell the world how sexy it is when women can sing? Oh. I just did.

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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