Live from the Comic Strip Live: It’s my comedy blogging marathon!

Hey, readers! I finally resolved my Internet issues here at the Comic Strip Live, still very tired, weary, a bit sweaty and about to embark on something that several people have suggested could not be done, while millions more are thinking should not be done. Can man live on laughter alone? OK. How about laughter, Red Bull and a free breakfast or two? Yes. That’s right. As I mentioned earlier (and wrote about in this week’s Time Out NY), the Comic Strip Live on New York’s Upper East Side will mount a 50-hour marathon stand-up showcase, designed to get the club and its participating comedians in the Guinness World Records. In writing the advance for this, I jokingly suggested that I should see the whole shebang. Within a minute, I realized this idea was just ridiculous enough that I needed to do this. Consider it an act of utter foolishness. Consider it a test of the stamina of one’s sense of humor. The show starts at 8:30 p.m. tonight and won’t end until 10:30 p.m. Thursday.

If you want to chat and keep me alert in the wee hours, I should be on gchat as thecomicscomic and on AIM as seanlmccarthy.


One laptop with AC cord and Ethernet access.

One toothbrush.

One tube of toothpaste.

One can of body spray.

One digital camera.

One video camera.

One pad with pen.

Unlimited access to Red Bull. Amount consumed as of 8 p.m.: 1 can.

OK. Let’s get this thing started already before I pass out from deliriousness. Yes, already.

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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