Brett Gelman’s “lil” New York lottery campaign?

Have you seen the new New York Lottery ads for Take 5, featuring the talking head of who appears to be Brett Gelman on a teeny tiny body? Now that’s cracked out! The 30-second TV spot is one thing, but here is a link to the lottery campaign, A Little Bit of Luck, where you can find much more zaniness. I asked Gelman about it last night at the ECNY Awards, and he replied, "Nah, that was Marlon Wayans."

You can also download your own Desktop Lil’ Widget to have him tell you that night’s Take 5 numbers.

Lilbrettgelman UPDATED (12:25 a.m. Jan. 30): Gelman appeared on Tuesday’s Sweet show and told host Seth Herzog he wasn’t all that amused by getting introduced onstage as "A Little Bit of Luck." I think he was joking. Right? Look here at this photo of him on a bus stop poster on Sixth Avenue south of West 14th Street in New York City! Note the fact that it’s already "tagged."

I’d post video of the ad, but all you need to do is watch the local TV news and you’re bound to see him.


Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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