CEO of The Second City Resigns in Response to #BlackLivesMatter

How’s this for a Friday night surprise?

After announcing on Thursday that it would end a partnership with the Chicago Mayor’s Office in light of Black Lives Matter, The Second City announced tonight that its CEO, Andrew Alexander, was resigning.

Several black comedians who had worked with and for The Second City, one of Chicago’s most storied comedic institutions, had come forward recently with their own painful experiences with the sketch comedy and improvisation theater.

Here’s the full response tonight from The Second City, followed by an open letter from Alexander.

Everyone wants a response, but there are no set of words right now that will be enough. There is no excuse. The Second City has made so many mistakes, and we–the leadership–are sorry. And now we are putting our energy behind taking action, even if the community doesn’t feel that we have the right. In this moment, you deserve to hear clear, specific actions that will be taken.

Today, it was announced that The Second City’s CEO and Executive Producer, Andrew Alexander, is stepping down, fully removing himself from overseeing The Second City’s operations and policies and divesting from the company as it stands. The next person to fill the Executive Producer position will be a member of the BIPOC community.

Additionally, we commit to taking the following actions. This is just a start, and we will update you regularly.

  • The Second City commits to reviewing internal hiring, casting, and student recruitment practices to ensure we are actively identifying and removing barriers to access and opening the doors to BIPOC in every area of the company.
  • The Second City commits to using our resources to produce art by and for BIPOC artists and diversifying audiences in our theaters.
  • We commit to company wide anti-racist training and education
  • The Second City will make ongoing financial and in-kind donations to organizations working to dismantle systems of oppression, as well as to Black-owned businesses and schools in underserved communities.

No effective plan for completely rebuilding our diversity, inclusion and equity standards can be created without representation at the decision-making level. As an ensemble-based community, we welcome new ideas and the betterment of existing ones. Please share your ideas here. 

Hold The Second City accountable.


To the Staff, Alumni, Students, and Audience Members of The Second City:

After the fallout from the closure of the groundbreaking “A Red Line Runs Through It,” The Second City tried to begin to grapple with the institutionalized racism in our society and within our own walls that allowed such a traumatic event to fester and has created lasting pain for our employees and artists. However, we failed.

There are so many things we didn’t do, but one of the things we did do was to engage facilitators in the field of anti-racism. I bring this up to acknowledge that it didn’t work. White employees of the Second City, myself included, participated in regular sessions taking place over months which outlined in detail the inherent biases in white society, and how those, consciously and unconsciously, oppress BIPOC. Two years ago, I learned about one of the pillars of what I understand to be central to the Black Lives Matter movement: it is not enough to not be a racist; you must be anti-racist. 

The Second City cannot begin to call itself anti-racist. That is one of the great failures of my life. The irony is that what attracts so many people to Second City – myself included – is that it gives a public platform to a group of people to speak truth to power and use the undeniable power of comedy to force a recognition of injustice. Over the years, Second City has never shied away from talking about oppression. On stage, we have always been on the right side of the issue, and of that, I am very proud. On stage, we dealt with the absurdity of the equal opportunity narrative that society uses to oppress BIPOC. We dealt with the double standard that rationalizes violence against people of color. We dealt with the cynicism of the liberal pact with capitalism. Offstage, it’s been a different story.

The company has grown significantly – yet culturally homogeneously. There is no excuse for it, and I am not defending it. I succumbed to (what I now realize was) my unconscious biases, the biases of the theater community, and the biases of the city in which The Second City is embedded. I surrounded myself with people mostly of my own race and culture. As a theater producer, I like to think I have good instincts, not just commercially, but also as it relates to what is right. As an administrator, I have not always had good instincts. While diversifying the theater artistically, I failed to create an anti-racist environment wherein artists of color might thrive. I am so deeply and inexpressibly sorry. 

The damage for this failure is done, and it’s part of the legacy of the institution I love. I care deeply about that legacy, as you might imagine, and certainly believe that on balance (even though many don’t agree right now) we have been a force for good, and change, and hope in an ugly world. To make matters worse, the theater is struggling financially as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 closures. As you know, many of our staff members have been furloughed, including BIPOC staff members. The company is not in a position to make major financial reparations at this time, if that is indeed what’s being asked. That, of course, is not the fault of anyone who has suffered from racial injustice. It’s my hope and belief that we can find multiple ways to contribute to Black Lives Matter and the many organizations working to dismantle institutionalized racism.

One thing I can do, and am doing now, ensures that the next iteration of The Second City, whatever that might be – that place for underdogs that captured me and saved my life many years ago – is led by a real underdog. I am stepping down and fully removing myself from overseeing The Second City’s operations and policies and will divest myself from the company as it stands. The next person to fill the Executive Producer position will be a member of the BIPOC community. That’s a commitment I’m proud to make. 

The Second City’s leadership will continue to engage in open forums of discussion and take action on the many great suggestions that have already been made. I have always believed that art speaks for itself. I have frustrated the staff with the insistence that The Second City doesn’t engage in media tit-for-tat. If you want to know what the institution of The Second City stands for, come see a show. No matter what happens from here, that will be the truth. I am sorry for my many failures as the steward of an important cultural institution. Black stories and black artists matter. Black lives do matter. 

-Andrew Alexander

Sean L. McCarthy

Editor and publisher since 2007, when he was named New York's Funniest Reporter. Former newspaper reporter at the New York Daily News, Boston Herald and smaller dailies and community papers across America. Loves comedy so much he founded this site.

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