Full Frontal with Samantha Bee has announced it is re-entering the mobile political game landscape. Following up on its moderately successful “This Is Not A Game: The Game” of 2018, the team at Full Frontal has created the Full Frontal’$ Totally Unrigged Primary app.
“Does making a second game make me a game…mogul?” asked Bee. “Probably. But hey, if anyone can run for president, surely I can become the Bill Gates of Games. I call myself Gamer Gates. Wait. That’s something else—don’t print that. Stop typing!”
The game, which will launch in the App Store later this fall, will allow players to join their favorite candidate’s team, and complete fun and funny daily challenges to earn the candidates points. It will also encourage players to donate to the game’s PAC-controlled fund, Sam Bee’s Political Swear Jar. The game will run until the week before the Iowa Caucus, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020, at which time the candidate with the most points will receive all the money in the swear jar.