Laugh Out Loud Presents: Just For Laughs Eat My Shorts!, a competition in search of the funniest short films, is back for another year.
Submissions are accepted from today through May 31, 2018. Check out the submission guidelines posted on the Just For Laughs ComedyPRO site, then follow the instructions. Here’s Kevin Hart, the founding star of Laugh Out Loud! Network with more:
“Just For Laughs is proud to welcome back Laugh Out Loud for a second year of Eat My Shorts!,” says Paul Ronca, Just For Laugh’s Director of Industry & Special Events Programming and Strategic Partner Development. “The Just For Laughs Festival has long been a place for young creators to showcase their talents. We’re especially excited to introduce the next generation of diverse filmmakers to both audience and industry executives attending the festival.”
Winners of last year’s inaugural competition, Marina Squerciati and Patrick Webb, were awarded a development deal for their film Special Skills: Episode 3 Hot Tea.
This year, 10 films will be selected by a team of Just For Laughs and Laugh Out Loud programming experts to stream on the Laugh Out Loud website and app beginning Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Laugh Out Loud viewers can then vote for their favorites with the top five films screening at the Just For Laughs Festival. The winning filmmaker(s) will be announced at the screening on Thursday, July 26, 2018 and will receive a $7,000 USD development deal with Laugh Out Loud.
Films must speak to a diverse, multicultural, millennial audience and should not exceed 15 minutes in length (including credits). All types of comedy genres will be accepted. Films not in English must include subtitles. Films that have played other festivals are eligible, but submitted films cannot be publicly available online (private links on YouTube or Vimeo are acceptable).
For full submission details and guidelines visit:
submissions/just-for-laughs- eat-my-shorts/.