Mitzi Shore, the legendary owner of The Comedy Store who took over the comedy club when she divorced Sammy Shore in 1974, mother of Pauly Shore and three other children, a lightning rod for the comedy strike of 1979, godmother to so many other comedians in the 1970s through the 2000s, and the inspiration for the central character in Showtime’s I’m Dying Up Here, died early this morning after a lengthy illness. Mitzi was 87.
Many of the “Paid Regulars” paid their respects to Mitzi over the weekend.
Thank you Mitzi, we love you. 46 years! #thecomedystore
— The Comedy Store (@TheComedyStore) April 8, 2018
Alfred, Mom's caregiver, and I took Mom/Mitzi to @TheComedyStore this afternoon for her last time. Our maintenance man of 20 years Juan Carlos had the neon lights on for her, and her music playing #ourgodmotherofcomedy
— Pauly Shore (@PaulyShore) April 10, 2018
The club will remain closed today in her honor.
(1 of 2)It is with great sadness and very heavy hearts that we report the passing of Mitzi Shore. Mitzi was an extraordinary woman and leader who identified, cultivated and celebrated comedy’s best performers.
— The Comedy Store (@TheComedyStore) April 11, 2018
(2 of 2) She helped change the face of comedy and leaves behind an indelible mark and legacy in the entertainment industry and stand-up community. We will all miss her dearly.
The Comedy Store will be closed today.
— The Comedy Store (@TheComedyStore) April 11, 2018
Here’s the old episode of E!’s True Hollywood Story about the Store.
Mitzi definitely will be missed.