Checkout episode #3 of my new Laughly miniseries, On Second Thought, with my guest Costaki Economopoulos.
We look back on one of Costaki’s early albums, 1999’s “C’mon, It’s Jokes” to see how he feels about jokes he told then about vaginas and about midgets. Two separate bits. Not the same bit! Hear us talk here:
On Second Thought asks: If tragedy plus time equals comedy, then comedy plus time equals what now?
My first two episodes featured Gilbert Gottfried talking about his fateful decision to tell “The Aristocrats” joke and how it changed his entire career, and Chris Gethard telling me how his experience at the Bonnaroo festival has come up several times in his act, each time changing slightly as he mined it for new perspectives on his album, in his Comedy Central half-hour, and his HBO special.
On Second Thought is available exclusively on Laughly.