With all of the late-night TV talk once again centered on NBC, sometimes Conan O’Brien and David Letterman can feel like odd men out.
The comedy thing that binds them together, at least last night, was Steve Martin. In an odd, sincere tribute to Letterman, Tuesday night’s Conan featured a Top 10 List read by Martin but interrupted by O’Brien. Because that was the list for the night: Top 10 Things Conan Will Say To Ruin This Top 10 List. Even the band gets into the act.
Roll the clip!
Top 10 Things Conan Will Say To Ruin This Top 10 List
10. “That’s Letterman’s Bit.”
9. “I’m not kidding, Steve — Letterman has been doing Top Ten Lists for over 30 years.”
8. “No…really…you’ve got to stop this.”
7. “Steve!”
6. “Please!”
5. “PLEASE!!”
4. “Dah!”
3. “Who the hell is that?”
2. “Steve, I appreciate your commitment to this bit — I really do — but I’m asking you, as a friend, to please stop doing this Top Ten List. It’s bordering on disrespectful to Letterman, and — wait, is it writing everything I’m saying? How are you even doing that?”
1. “We’re out of time.”