Happy Groundhog Day Eve, everybody!
What better way to ring in February as a comedy fan than by recognizing the 20th anniversary of the movie, Groundhog Day, as well as one of our finest character actors, Stephen Tobolowsky?
You can do both by getting tickets to see Tobolowsky when he visits 92YTribeca in New York City on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013. He’ll interact with fans in two separate events that evening. First, at 7 p.m., Tobolowsky will read stories from his book, The Dangerous Animals Club, about his life and career in show business, already appearing in more than 100 movies and twice as many TV series. He’ll sign books afterward. Then, at 9 p.m., he’ll introduce a screening of Groundhog Day, in which Tobolowsky portrayed Ned Ryerson. the guy who recognizes TV weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) from their younger days.
I also have a pair of tickets The Comic’s Comic can give away for each event — one pair each to the storytelling event, as well as to the screening!
Would you like ’em for free?
Please go into the comments for this post, and do me a favor. If you want a pair of tickets to the storytelling event, please write down a question you’d like Stephen Tobolowsky to answer that he already hasn’t answered a hundred times already. If you’d like the tickets to the movie screening, please write how you’d handle the situation if you found yourself living the same day over and over again. Got it! Great! Go for it! The two winners will be contacted electronically, so please make sure you leave valid contact info (which won’t be made public). Thanks.
Mr. Tobolowsky, What is your favorite type of dim sum?
If I found myself living one day on repeat, I would study and experiment with human behavior in order to answer life’s very important questions, like: How to maximize happiness, How to end oppressive thinking, et al. Also, a lot of (ethical) partying…knowing I’d later remember everything I did and have to live with myself.
Was that cheese cake at Cafe Fiorello the best or what?
If were in eternal Groundhog Day, I’d turn Ned Ryerson into a ladies man.
You’ve had an amazing career as “that guy that’s in everything”. Did you ever want it to be more than that?
Which movie was more enjoyable to work on… MISSISSIPPI BURNING or BASIC INSTINCT? And why?
Nobody gets more excited about Groundhog Day which is a daily holiday and ritual observance for me! Though I haven’t yet made it to Punxsutawney, I discovered something pretty incredible. Recently, my dad told me he thought it was so funny that I have an incredible fascination with the movie and the town because when I was a baby on a winter day in 1971, there was a snowstorm in Pittsburgh and a clergyman was needed to do a funeral in Punxsutawney. Well, since the storm was in, they contacted my dad who was in Johnstown and he made the trek to Punxsutawney for the day. Said it was a really interesting place, great small town, nice people. Somehow, that experience morphed into my subconscious and has been with me every day to the present. Would be no greater pleasure than to see the film with Ned The Head or the Man that truly represents life!
If I were stuck in an eternal Groundhog Day type situation, I would eat a lot of dessert and try to do something good for someone every day. I think I’d also follow Bill Murray’s lead and learn to play piano really well.
“Stephen, I don’t know where you’re headed on Feb 16th, but can you call in sick?”
“What is the single role you wish you could play but don’t think you’ll ever get the chance to?”
Tobo: many actors work hard to keep their private lives private and their already public lifestyles to a minimum. Conversely, you have chosen to tell many stories that have exposed the inner workings of your life to the public. What have been the repercussions of that, if any, and does Ann mind how honest you are about your marriage and your past before her?
We have our winners. Thanks to everyone who read and commented! See you lucky kids on Saturday.