Nick Kroll’s Comedy Central sketch comedy show, Kroll Show, debuts in a couple of weeks. But 2013 and Christmas both come early for comedy fans as two more sketches already have hit the YouTubes.
In “Ref Jeff,” Kroll plays an NBA referee who wants to be friends with the players, and you find out just how chatty he is when we cue up his microphone in this “Overheard on the Court” segment.
And in “PubLIZity,” a spoof on “reality” TV shows Liz B. (Jenny Slate) and Liz G. (Kroll) as two publicists trying to have it all. Featuring Mitch Hurwitz as a potential client promoting awareness of canine cancer.
Roll it!
We previously saw Kroll Show take down Chick-fil-A’s homophobia with its own own fast-food chicken chain TV ad.
catch some quality bro-time with the likes of Ed Helms, Jason Mantzoukas and Adam Pally in “Sex in the City for Dudes,” and on the teen soap parody “Wheels Ontario,” where Kroll plays “Legs,” the new kid at a school for handicapped kids, drama ensues.
Kroll Show debuts Jan. 16, 2013, on Comedy Central.
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